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Hiring Your Coworking Space Manager: The Ultimate Guide

Helga Moreno
Helga Moreno
Hiring Your Coworking Space Manager: The Ultimate Guide

Hiring the right coworking space manager is crucial for cultivating a thriving coworking environment. They are the catalysts that make the magic happen—the go-to individuals who excel at problem-solving, motivate others, and foster a supportive atmosphere.

This comprehensive guide is your ticket to finding the right person. We'll walk you through identifying the ideal candidate and implementing an effective hiring strategy.

Let's dive in!

Who Is a Coworking Space Manager?

A coworking space manager serves as the initial point of contact for your coworking space. They handle everything from making coffee and fixing WiFi to engaging with members and creating captivating social content.

In the early stages of your coworking venture, you may take on the role yourself to keep costs down. However, as your space grows, employing a dedicated manager becomes essential. Their contributions can significantly enhance your operations and overall member experience.

What Does a Coworking Space Manager Do?

Coworking space managers are true jacks of all trades, handling a wide array of responsibilities to ensure the smooth functioning of the space. They are the key drivers that make things happen.

Their exact role may vary depending on your space's needs. Still, typically, they take on the following tasks:

  1. Operations: Resolving member issues, managing coworking space software, and ensuring seamless day-to-day operations.
  2. Sales and marketing: Conducting tours, following up with leads, and managing social media accounts to attract new members.
  3. Reception services: Answering calls, scheduling tours, welcoming members, and organizing incoming mail.
  4. Space management: Keeping the space clean and organized, ensuring coffee is available, and maintaining a comfortable environment.
  5. Community management: Hosting events, mediating member disputes, and delivering exceptional customer service.

Ultimately, the primary responsibility of a coworking space manager is to provide an exceptional experience for members.

Coworking Space Manager vs. Community Manager

Coworking space manager vs community manager

While "coworking space manager" and "coworking space community manager" are often used interchangeably, there can be distinctions between the two roles. A coworking space manager may have additional responsibilities that a community manager might not have.

While both positions involve managing and nurturing the coworking community, a coworking space manager also oversees the overall operations of the space, including:

  • administrative tasks,
  • facility management,
  • and member-related issues.

What Does a Coworking Space Community Manager Do

A community manager focuses on building and fostering a strong sense of community among members.

  • They facilitate networking events,
  • encourage collaboration,
  • and address member needs.

Do You Need a Coworking Manager?

Whether you need a coworking manager depends on many factors, such as the size of your coworking space, member needs, and administrative requirements.

A manager is particularly beneficial when you have diverse member needs, such as

  • handling inquiries,
  • providing technical support,
  • and organizing events.

They ensure that member experiences are exceptional and help foster a sense of community.

As your coworking space expands, administrative tasks can become overwhelming. A manager can take charge of operations, such as

  • managing bookings,
  • handling contracts,
  • and overseeing day-to-day logistics.

This allows you to focus on strategic growth and providing the best experience for your members.

Writing a Coworking Space Manager Job Description

Crafting an effective coworking space manager job description is crucial to attracting suitable candidates. Here are some key elements to consider:

writing a coworking space manager job description

1. Responsibilities

The coworking space manager's primary responsibilities include:

  • Smooth operation and management of the space
  • Motivating the team to create a positive working environment
  • Ensuring customer satisfaction and retention
  • Reception duties, meeting room management, and member support
  • Facilitating new member onboarding and engagement
  • Collaborating with sales and marketing teams to promote the space

2. Skills (Hard, Soft)

Hard skills

  • Familiarity with coworking space management software
  • Proficiency in MS Office and CRM
  • Ability to analyze data
  • Strong writing skills
  • Project management from start to finish

Soft skills

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Strong leadership and team management abilities
  • Problem-solving and proactive approach
  • Adaptability and ability to handle fast-paced situations

3. Salary

The typical coworking space manager's salary range varies based on location, experience, and the size of the coworking space. For the US, it generally ranges from $74,884 to $94,901 per year.

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4. Creative Coworking Space Manager Job Description Example

Coworking Space Manager

Are you ready to take center stage in our vibrant coworking community? [Your Coworking Space Name] is seeking a passionate and dynamic individual to join our team as a Coworking Space Manager. If you have a knack for creating extraordinary experiences, a flair for building connections, and a love for all things coworking, this role is your time to shine!


  • Choreograph the seamless operation of our coworking space, ensuring a symphony of productivity, collaboration, and satisfaction.
  • Step into the spotlight as the face of our community, captivating our members with your magnetic personality and genuine care.
  • Curate unforgettable events, workshops, and networking sessions that transform our space into a stage of creativity and connection.
  • Conduct member orchestration, helping them hit the right notes by addressing inquiries, resolving concerns, and delivering exceptional service.
  • Masterfully manage the tempo of meeting room bookings, ensuring flawless arrangements and technical support for our members' performances.
  • Collaborate with the marketing virtuosos to compose captivating campaigns that strike a chord with potential members and elevate our brand.
  • Keep a rhythm of organized records and reports, ensuring harmony in financial transactions, member data, and inventory management.
  • Stay attuned to the industry's melodies, harmonizing our offerings and experiences with the latest trends and best practices.


  • A virtuoso in coworking space management or a related field with a track record of delivering stellar performances.
  • A maestro of communication and interpersonal skills, effortlessly conducting harmonious relationships with diverse individuals.
  • A multitasking virtuoso capable of orchestrating numerous responsibilities and priorities on our fast-paced stage.
  • A composer of technological prowess, well-versed in the symphony of coworking space management software and MS Office Suite.
  • A troubadour of problem-solving, serenading our members with innovative solutions and a proactive approach.
  • A conductor of leadership, inspiring and empowering our team to perform at their best.
  • A true lover of coworking with a passion for creating a harmonious work environment and an unforgettable member experience.


This role of coworking space manager offers a competitive salary and opportunities for bonuses and professional growth.

If you're ready to make a grand entrance, mesmerize our community with your skills, and lead our coworking symphony to new heights, send us your resume and a cover letter showcasing your creative genius at [contact email]. We can't wait to witness your talent and invite you to join our ensemble!

Feel free to infuse this creative job description example with your coworking space's unique personality and branding. Let it resonate with prospective candidates seeking an exciting and innovative coworking experience.

The Process of Hiring a Coworking and Community Manager

The process of hiring a coworking and community manager typically involves the following steps:

How to hire a coworking space manager - infographic

  1. Define the role: Clearly outline the responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations for the coworking manager position. You can check some examples of resumes to gain insight into the type of persona and experiences required for the role.
  2. Advertise the role: Promote the job opening through various channels such as job boards (FlexJobs, SimplyHired), social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter), and industry-specific websites (Coworking.Jobs, Coworkies) to attract potential candidates.
  3. Screen applications: Review the received applications and resumes to shortlist candidates with the desired qualifications and experience.
  4. Conduct interviews: Conduct interviews with the shortlisted candidates to assess their skills, experience, and cultural fit. Consider a mix of in-person, phone, or video interviews, depending on availability and location.
  5. Assess relevant skills: During the interview, evaluate candidates' hard skills related to coworking space management, such as software proficiency and knowledge of administrative tasks.
  6. Evaluate soft skills: Pay attention to candidates' soft skills, including communication, problem-solving, customer service, and leadership abilities.
  7. Reference checks: Conduct reference checks with previous employers to gather insights on the candidate's performance, work ethic, and reliability.
  8. Make a job offer: Once you have identified the most suitable candidate, extend a job offer with details on compensation, benefits, and start date.
  9. Onboarding and training: Develop an onboarding plan to familiarize the new coworking manager with your space's operations, policies, and culture. Provide necessary training and support to ensure a smooth transition into the role.

Coworking Manager Interview

During a coworking manager interview, focus on assessing the candidate's suitability for the role and ability to excel in a coworking environment. Consider the following areas and related questions:

coworking space manager interview

Communication and Interpersonal Skills

  • How would you handle a conflict between two members?
  • Can you share an example of successfully resolving a challenging situation with a member or team?

Look for candidates who demonstrate strong communication skills, empathy, and the ability to build positive relationships with members.

Problem-Solving Abilities

  • How do you prioritize and handle multiple tasks in a fast-paced coworking environment?
  • Can you describe a situation where you encountered a problem and implemented an effective solution?

Look for candidates who can think quickly, adapt to changing circumstances, and proactively address challenges in a coworking space.

Leadership and Team Management

  • How do you motivate and inspire your team to deliver exceptional customer service?
  • Can you describe when you successfully led a team to achieve a specific goal or project?

Look for candidates who demonstrate strong leadership qualities, the ability to motivate a team, and a commitment to creating a positive work environment.

Technical Skills

  • What software or tools have you used to manage coworking space operations?
  • How comfortable are you handling administrative tasks, member onboarding, and meeting room bookings?

Look for candidates with experience with relevant coworking space management software and process automation.

Passion for Coworking

  • What interests you most about working in the coworking industry?
  • How do you envision creating a collaborative community in our coworking space?

Look for candidates who show a genuine enthusiasm for coworking, a strong understanding of its benefits, and a vision for fostering a thriving community.

Choosing a Final Candidate

Choosing the best candidate for your coworking manager role involves considering their interview performance, qualifications, and fit with company culture. Keep the following points in mind:

1. Interview Performance

Evaluate how well candidates showcased their skills, experiences, and abilities during the interview. Assess their communication, problem-solving, and leadership qualities. Consider their enthusiasm, passion for coworking, and ability to connect with others.

2. Qualifications

Assess the candidate's qualifications, including their relevant experience in coworking or a related field. Look for a track record of successfully managing operations, handling member interactions, and organizing community events. Consider their technical skills, such as familiarity with coworking space management software.

3. Fit with Company Culture

Assess the candidate's compatibility with your company culture. Consider their values, work ethic, and alignment with the coworking space's mission and vision. Look for individuals who will contribute positively to the coworking community, foster collaboration, and enhance the member experience.

4. References

Contact provided references to gain insights into the candidate's past performance, work style, and reliability. Verify their ability to meet expectations and handle the responsibilities of a coworking manager.

5. Overall Assessment

Consider the candidate's overall fit with the role, their potential for growth, and their ability to impact your coworking space significantly. Consider their potential for leadership and their capacity to inspire and motivate others.

Onboarding a Coworking Space Manager

Effectively onboarding your new coworking space manager is crucial for their seamless integration into the team. Here are key steps to ensure a successful onboarding process:

onboarding a coworking space manager

  1. Provide a comprehensive orientation: Familiarize the manager with your coworking space's mission, values, and culture. Explain the organizational structure, introduce key team members, and provide an overview of their responsibilities.
  2. Training and shadowing: Offer training on coworking space management software, administrative processes, and specific procedures unique to your space. Encourage the manager to shadow experienced team members to gain practical insights into daily operations.
  3. Clear communication channels: Establish open lines of communication with the manager and encourage them to ask questions and seek clarification as needed. Assign a mentor or supervisor who can provide guidance and support during the initial stages.
  4. Set expectations: Clearly define performance expectations, goals, and key metrics for the manager. Discuss their role in fostering member satisfaction, community engagement, and operational efficiency. Provide regular feedback and constructive evaluations to aid their development.
  5. Integrate into the team: Encourage the manager to engage with the team and members actively. Foster a collaborative environment by organizing team-building activities and facilitating introductions with key stakeholders.
  6. Ongoing support: Provide resources, tools, and continued professional development opportunities to help the manager thrive in their role. Offer regular check-ins to address any challenges or concerns they may have.

Evaluating Coworking Space and Community Manager Performance

Evaluating your coworking space and community manager's performance is essential to ensure they meet expectations and drive success. Consider the following methods and key performance indicators (KPIs):

evaluating performance of coworking and community manager

1. Member Satisfaction

  • Gather feedback from members through surveys or regular check-ins to assess their satisfaction with the coworking experience.
  • Track member retention rates and referrals as indicators of a positive member experience.

2. Occupancy Rate

  • Monitor the occupancy rate of your coworking space to evaluate the manager's effectiveness in attracting and retaining members.
  • Set targets for maintaining a healthy occupancy rate and track progress over time.

3. Financial Performance

  • Evaluate the financial performance of the coworking space, considering factors such as revenue, profitability, and cost management.
  • Analyze the manager's contribution to revenue generation through new member acquisition and upselling opportunities.

4. Community Engagement

  • Assess the manager's efforts to foster a vibrant community and promote member collaboration.
  • Measure attendance and participation rates in community events, workshops, and networking sessions.

5. Operational Efficiency

  • Monitor the manager's ability to effectively manage day-to-day operations, including space maintenance, meeting room bookings, and member support.
  • Track response times and resolution rates for member inquiries and issues.

6. Team Management

  • Evaluate the manager's leadership and team management skills, considering team morale, communication, and productivity factors.
  • Seek team members' feedback regarding their experience under the manager's guidance.


1. What does a coworking community manager do?

A community manager is responsible for fostering community and facilitating connections among members in a coworking space. They organize events, promote collaboration, address member needs, and create a welcoming and engaging environment for everyone involved. They act as a liaison between members, handle inquiries, and ensure a positive coworking experience. What makes a good community manager at a coworking space is their ability to nurture a vibrant and supportive community.

2. How to know if I need a coworking space manager?

Determining if you need a coworking space manager depends on various factors, such as the size of your space, the number of members, and the level of operations. If you find it challenging to handle day-to-day tasks, member management, and administrative responsibilities on your own, or if your coworking space is snowballing, it may be time to consider hiring a dedicated manager. A manager can enhance member experiences, ensure smooth operations, and contribute to your coworking space's success and growth.

3. What software should a coworking manager use?

A coworking manager should possess skills in using coworking space management software. They should be proficient in navigating and utilizing the features of such software to manage memberships, track bookings, process payments, and facilitate member communication. Additionally, they should be adaptable and willing to learn new software systems to streamline operations and enhance member experiences effectively.

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4. How do I find a community manager for my coworking space?

To find a community manager for your coworking space, advertise the position, utilize professional networks, collaborate with coworking associations, and leverage coworking-specific job platforms. Conduct thorough interviews to assess candidates' qualifications, experience, and fit with your space. Prioritize individuals with coworking or relevant experience.


A coworking manager is vital in creating a thriving coworking community. Their responsibilities encompass operations, member management, community building, and ensuring a seamless coworking experience.

By hiring a skilled and passionate manager, you can enhance member satisfaction, foster collaboration, and drive the success of your coworking space.

Remember, a dedicated manager is a cornerstone that brings everyone together, creating a productive environment where individuals and businesses can thrive.

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