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The Ultimate Guide to Adding Co-Living to Your Coworking Space

Helga Moreno
Helga Moreno
The Ultimate Guide to Adding Co-Living to Your Coworking Space

Co-living is having a serious moment right now. It's way more than just bunking with roommates to save on rent. Think of it like shared living 2.0 – you get your own private space, but you also get awesome communal areas where you can hang out, work together, and actually get to know your neighbors. It's about community, flexibility, and, yeah, affordability too.

And it's not slowing down anytime soon. By 2027, the global co-living market is expected to hit a whopping $13.93 billion (according to Allied Market Research).

Who's fueling this fire? Well, it's the same people who are probably already hanging out in your coworking space. Remote workers, digital nomads, young professionals – they're all looking for more than just a desk and a coffee machine. They want to feel like they belong, to be part of something bigger.

And guess what? You're already halfway there. As a coworking space operator, you've already built an awesome community of folks who value collaboration and flexibility. Adding co-living is the next logical step. It's like taking that community vibe you've already got and amplifying it tenfold.

Imagine this: your members have the option to not just work in your space, but to actually live there. It's a one-stop shop for work, life, and everything in between. This not only makes your space more attractive, but it also opens up new revenue streams and skyrockets member loyalty. I mean, who wants to leave a place that feels like home?

So, are you ready to take your coworking space to the next level and jump on the co-living bandwagon?  Stick with me, and we'll walk you through everything you need to know to design, build, and promote a co-living space that your members will absolutely love.

Designing a Co-Living Space: a Blueprint for Blending Privacy & Community

Creating a co-living space that people will actually want to live in is a balancing act. It's about finding the sweet spot between giving everyone their own private sanctuary and fostering a sense of community and connection. Let's break down how to do just that.

Co-living member with a laptop in the garden

1. Private Havens: More Than Just a Bedroom

Forget about those cookie-cutter private rooms. Sure, everyone needs their own space to recharge, but let's make those rooms feel like an escape. Picture this: a cozy nook with a balcony overlooking the city where your residents can sip their morning coffee in peace. Or maybe they'd prefer a private en suite bathroom for that extra touch of luxury. Encourage them to make it their own by providing plenty of blank wall space for art or shelves for their favorite books. And don't forget about how those rooms flow into the communal areas. Can you design a layout that encourages people to mingle while still allowing for quiet time?

2. The Heartbeat of Co-Living: Communal Areas

The communal areas are where the magic truly happens. This is where your community will cook, chat, work, and play. So, let's make these spaces the heart and soul of your co-living space. Imagine a kitchen that's not just a place to cook but a gathering spot—open, spacious, with plenty of counter space and high-end appliances that inspire culinary creativity. 

Think comfy couches, armchairs, and plenty of games and books in the living room, creating a space where people can relax and connect after a long day. And if you're catering to the remote work crowd, don't forget a dedicated co-working space that's bright, inspiring, and filled with ergonomic furniture that makes working from home feel like a treat.

3. Amenities That Go the Extra Mile

High-speed Wi-Fi is a must-have, but it's the little extras that can make a big difference.  Consider offering on-site laundry facilities or partnering with a local laundromat to save your residents time and hassle. 

If your city is bike-friendly, providing secure bike storage is a thoughtful perk. Regular cleaning services can take a huge burden off your members' shoulders and keep your space looking its best. And for those animal lovers out there, allowing pets can be a huge draw (just be sure to set clear guidelines to keep everyone happy).

4. Smart Home Technology: The Co-Living Upgrade

Don't underestimate the power of technology! Integrating smart home features can streamline operations and enhance the overall experience for your residents. Think keyless entry for easy access, smart thermostats for personalized comfort, and community management apps to facilitate communication and event planning. These small touches can make a world of difference.

Supercharge your co-living space with Spacebring's intuitive management software. Click here to learn more and elevate your community today!

Remember, designing a co-living space isn't just about aesthetics; it's about creating an environment where people feel comfortable, connected, and inspired. It's about building a community that people are proud to call home.

Building a Thriving Co-Living Community: It's All About the People

Let's be real, a co-living space is only as good as the people who live there. Building a thriving community takes more than just throwing a bunch of people together and hoping for the best.  It takes intention, effort, and a whole lot of heart. Here's how to create a co-living community that people will rave about.

Diverse co-living members

1. Know Your Tribe: Who Are You Attracting?

Before you can build a community, you need to know who you're building it for. Are you targeting remote workers who crave connection and collaboration? Creatives who thrive on inspiration and energy? Entrepreneurs who are always on the go?

Think about the kind of people who would not only enjoy your co-living space but also contribute to its unique vibe. Consider creating "personas"—fictional representations of your ideal members—to help you visualize your target audience. This will help you tailor everything from your marketing messages to the design of your common areas.

For example, if you're aiming for a community of digital nomads, you might highlight your space's fast Wi-Fi, flexible workspaces, and travel-themed events. If you're targeting artists and creatives, you might showcase your art studio, host open mic nights, or partner with local galleries.

2. Fostering Belonging: More Than Just Roommates

Once you've got your ideal members in the door, it's time to create an environment where they can truly connect and thrive. This means going beyond just providing a roof over their heads.

  • Events That Spark Connections: Think potlucks, game nights, movie screenings, or even weekend hikes. These shared experiences create opportunities for people to bond and build friendships.
  • Workshops That Inspire: Offer workshops on topics that interest your members, like cooking classes, coding workshops, or photography tutorials. This not only provides valuable skills but also fosters a sense of shared learning and growth.
  • Member-Led Initiatives: Encourage your members to take ownership of the community. Maybe they want to start a book club, a running group, or a weekly board game night. Supporting these initiatives shows your members that their ideas and passions matter.
  • Collaboration is Key: Create spaces and opportunities for members to collaborate on projects, whether it's a startup idea, a creative endeavor, or simply a shared meal. This is where the real magic of co-living happens.

Check out more event ideas here: Best Coworking Events to Build Community at Your Workspace

3. Embracing Diversity: The Spice of Life

A truly thriving community is one that embraces diversity in all its forms. People from different backgrounds, cultures, and professions bring unique perspectives and experiences to the table, making the community richer and more dynamic.

Don't be afraid to actively seek out diversity in your co-living space. Consider offering scholarships or discounts to attract a wider range of residents. This not only creates a more inclusive environment but also leads to more interesting conversations, collaborations, and friendships.

Remember, building a thriving co-living community is an ongoing process. It takes time, effort, and a genuine desire to create a space where people feel connected, supported, and inspired. But when you get it right, the rewards are immeasurable. You'll not only create a space that people love to live in, but you'll also build a brand that stands for community, connection, and belonging.

Marketing & Running Your Co-Living Space: It's Show Time!

Alright, you've built this awesome co-living space. Now how do you get people to actually move in? It's all about smart marketing and smooth operations. Here's the lowdown:

Member with a laptop at a co-living space

1. Show, Don't Just Tell: Make Your Space Shine Online

Nobody's going to sign a lease sight unseen. You've got to give potential residents a taste of the co-living magic before they even set foot in your space.

  • Picture Perfect: High-quality photos are non-negotiable. Hire a professional photographer to capture your space in its best light—think bright, inviting photos of the common areas, the private rooms, and all those cool amenities you've put so much thought into.
  • Lights, Camera, Action: Videos can be even more powerful than photos. Create a short, snappy video tour of your space, highlighting the vibe, the community feel, and the unique features that make your co-living space stand out.
  • Virtual Tours: Take it a step further with virtual tours. These give potential residents a 360-degree view of your space, allowing them to "walk" through the rooms and get a feel for the layout.

2. Pricing it Right: Finding the Sweet Spot

Let's talk money. Setting the right price for your co-living space is crucial. You want to make sure you're covering your costs and making a profit, but you also don't want to price yourself out of the market.

  • Different Models: Explore different pricing models to see what works best for your space and target audience. You could charge per room, per bed, or offer all-inclusive packages that cover utilities, Wi-Fi, and even cleaning services.
  • Flexible Lease Terms: Consider offering flexible lease terms to attract a wider range of residents. Some people might only need a place for a few months, while others might be looking for a longer-term commitment.
  • Market Research: Do your homework! Research the local market to see what other co-living spaces are charging. This will help you ensure your pricing is competitive and attractive.

3. Partnerships: Adding Value and Sweetening the Deal

Teaming up with local businesses can be a win-win for everyone involved. Not only does it add value for your residents, but it also helps you build relationships with other businesses in your community.

  • Exclusive Perks: Partner with local restaurants, cafes, gyms, or even yoga studios to offer discounts or exclusive perks to your members. This can be a major selling point for potential residents.
  • Community Events: Collaborate with local businesses to host events at your co-living space. This could be anything from a pop-up shop to a live music performance. It's a great way to bring people together and showcase your space.
  • Cross-Promotion: Spread the word about your co-living space through partnerships with local businesses. Maybe they can feature your space in their marketing materials or offer discounts to your residents. Get creative!

By focusing on strong marketing and smart operations, you'll create a co-living space that not only attracts residents but also keeps them coming back for more.

Co-Living Inspiration: Real-World Success Stories

Let's take a look at some co-living spaces that are absolutely nailing it. These aren't just places to crash​​—they're thriving communities that are redefining what it means to live and work in the 21st century.

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  1. Outsite: This global network of co-living spaces caters specifically to remote workers and entrepreneurs. With locations in stunning destinations like Bali, Costa Rica, and California, Outsite offers more than just a place to stay – they offer a lifestyle. Members can work from beautiful co-working spaces, attend workshops and events, and connect with a global community of like-minded individuals.
  2. The Collective: This London-based co-living company takes community building to the next level. They offer everything from fitness classes and movie nights to talks by inspiring speakers.  The Collective's focus on fostering meaningful connections has made them a popular choice for young professionals looking for more than just a place to live.
  3. Roam: Roam is a co-living network that allows members to live and work in different locations around the world. They offer beautiful, fully furnished spaces with all the amenities you need, and they even handle the logistics of moving between locations. It's perfect for the digital nomad who wants to experience different cultures while staying connected to a global community.

What Works

  • Strong Focus on Community: Successful co-living spaces prioritize community building. They offer a variety of events, activities, and shared spaces that encourage interaction and connection.
  • Unique Amenities: Standout spaces offer more than just the basics. Think rooftop pools, yoga studios, and even on-site restaurants. These extras create a sense of luxury and exclusivity.
  • Flexible Membership Options: Many co-living spaces offer flexible membership options, allowing residents to stay for as long or as short as they like. This is especially appealing to digital nomads and remote workers who value flexibility.

What Doesn't Work

  • Lack of Privacy: Co-living spaces can sometimes feel cramped or overcrowded. It's important to strike the right balance between communal spaces and private areas.
  • High Turnover: Some co-living spaces struggle with high turnover rates, which can disrupt the community vibe. Creating a sense of belonging and fostering long-term relationships is key.
  • Mismatched Personalities: Not everyone is cut out for co-living. It's important to screen potential residents to ensure they're a good fit for the community.

Lessons Learned

  • Community is Key: Fostering a strong sense of community is essential for the success of any co-living space. Invest in events, activities, and shared spaces that encourage interaction and connection.
  • Differentiate Yourself: Don't be afraid to get creative with your amenities and offerings. Think about what your target audience values and cater to their specific needs.
  • Screen Your Residents: Be selective about who you accept into your co-living community. Look for people who are open-minded, respectful, and eager to contribute to the community.

By learning from the successes (and failures) of other co-living spaces, you can create a space that not only attracts residents but also fosters a thriving community that people will love to be a part of.

Conclusion: Your Next Steps Towards Co-Living Success

So, there you have it—a glimpse into the exciting world of co-living and how it can supercharge your coworking space. Remember, it's not just about shared housing; it's about building a vibrant community where people can thrive both personally and professionally.

By thoughtfully designing your space, fostering genuine connections, and offering amenities that go the extra mile, you can create a co-living experience that people will be raving about. And with smart marketing and smooth operations, you'll attract the right kind of members who will not only love living in your space but also contribute to its unique energy.

Whether you're just starting to explore the idea of co-living or you're ready to dive in headfirst, remember that the key to success lies in understanding your audience, creating a space that caters to their needs, and fostering a sense of belonging that keeps them coming back for more.

Ready to take the plunge? If you're looking for a software solution to help you manage your co-living and coworking space seamlessly, check out Spacebring. It's packed with features designed to streamline your operations and enhance the member experience.

Co-living is more than just a trend; it's a way of life that's here to stay.  So, why not join the revolution and create a space that truly makes a difference in the lives of your members?  Explore the possibilities and see how co-living can transform your coworking space into something truly extraordinary.

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