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6 Ways Coworking Spaces Can Use Instagram Reels for Marketing Their Business

Nico Prins
6 Ways Coworking Spaces Can Use Instagram Reels for Marketing Their Business

Launched in 2020, Instagram Reels marketing has quickly become a staple tool for promoting coworking spaces. The tool makes it easy for users to create and share impactful video content. If you don’t already know what it is, let me get you up to speed.

An Instagram Reel is a short-form video of 15, 30, 60, or 90 seconds. Instagram’s algorithm works by displaying content from the accounts you’re following. It also displays content from the accounts you’re not following but anticipates you would be interested in. This makes it an excellent method for reaching new potential followers.

The feature allows you to use great editing tools, too. For example, you can add music to your video from the music library, adjust your video’s speed, and customize your Instagram Reel’s layout. Take advantage of the forward or backward camera lens, as well as the timer function.

Instagram Reels are a solid addition to a coworking space owner’s marketing plan. Here, you will learn five ways you can use the powerful social media feature. Let’s dive in!

1. Educate Your Prospects

There’s a reason why you should include ‘how-to’ guides in your marketing plan. When users aren’t sure of how to do something, their first instinct may be to jump onto Google or another platform (social media, of course) to find content that gives them answers.

You should leverage this to get in front of potential members. Publish content that educates your prospects. You could teach them a new coworking space concept or reveal some interesting facts about the coworking space industry. So, if someone wants to know more about coworking spaces and other related topics, they’ll be interested in your content and, in the process, know more about your brand.

But don’t just come up with any type of educational content. Research sales objections of people who might be interested in coworking spaces. Then help them overcome those objections with your content.

For example, Lets Work posted this Instagram Reel to demonstrate the benefits of networking–a benefit of coworking spaces–to its audience:

Instagram Reel by Lets Work coworking space


So, anyone asking why they need to network and why they need to reserve a slot in a coworking space will know the answers after watching the presentation. Then they’ll hopefully reserve their slot.

If you’re consistent in coming up with this type of content, you won’t just generate more clients. You can establish yourself as an authority in your niche, too. So you encourage confidence and trust in your brand. When people need a coworking space, chances are they’ll go to you.

2. Post Behind-the-Scenes Content

Behind-the-scenes video content adds a layer of credibility to a business. It puts names and faces to the brand, humanizing it. This allows you to have a deeper connection with your audience. When they have a deeper connection with you, your brand will remain top of mind with them when they need a coworking space.

In your behind-the-scenes content, show viewers the creative and practical processes involved in your line of work. Create clips to show how you and your coworking space staff prepare for a meeting, or how you clean the coworking space before you open it for your clients to use. The possibilities are endless.

In the screenshot below, for instance, gives its audience a glimpse of how the baristas at their coworking space prepare coffee for members:

Instagram reel by coworking space


As in the example above, you can use the Reel caption to give context to your video. Just make sure you know how to write brand content for your coworking space.

Make sure, too, that your video is high-quality. If your video is low-quality, your Instagram marketing strategy will backfire on you. Instead of focusing on your behind-the-scenes content, your audience will just focus on how bad the Reel is.

3. Differentiate Your Product From Your Competitors

According to the Rule of Seven marketing technique, prospective customers will have an average of seven “touches” with a company before committing to a purchase.

That’s a lot of interaction. Therefore, each interaction with your coworking space brand needs to count towards the bigger goal of getting people to sign up as a client. That means in each interaction, you need to identify what makes your brand unique.

You can use Instagram Reels marketing to show your audience how you differ from your competitors. You don’t need to bash the other brands to show your audience you’re different. You can just highlight your unique selling proposition.

That’s exactly what Ivy Office does in this Instagram Reel. If you watch the rest of the Reel, Ivy Office also highlights the fact that you can book a room with them starting at 10 euros per hour, and that they have a phone booth you can use for work.

Instagram reel by Ivy Office coworking space


It helps to look at typical coworking space client complaints online so you’ll know what features of your coworking space you should highlight in your Reel. You can use social media listening tools for this or just check out review sites.

If you find that many complain about other coworking spaces’ poor location, for example, in your Reel you can specify that your space is in the city center.

4. Showcase Your Brand’s Personality and Values

People like to interact with real, relatable companies. So, you should showcase your brand personality and values in your Instagram Reels as part of your marketing tactics.

Are you a serious brand that’s all about work? Do you prefer to be viewed as a quirky brand that knows the concept of fun, too? To help determine what your brand personality and values are, imagine your coworking brand is a person. Brainstorm ideas about what kind of person it would be. Once you’ve determined your brand personality and values (if you haven’t already done so), you can determine the types of Reels you can come up with.

For instance, this Reel shows BWork Bali members having a fun dinner together. It emphasizes that BWork Bali is all about work-life balance. Notice the caption written in a casual tone, which also reflects the brand’s fun personality:

Instagram reel by BWork Bali coworking space


But events aren’t the only things you can showcase in your Reel to show your personality and values. You can, for instance, also film random shots of your coworking space and create your own “film.” This is exactly what WorkzoneTN did in this Reel:

Instagram reel by WorkzoneTN coworking space


WorkzoneTN filmed all the plants it had in its coworking space. At the end of the Reel, you get this smiley face vase. With the Reel, the coworking space managed to convey two messages: one, that it values the environment. Two, that it’s a fun brand, too.

When you successfully showcase your brand and values in your Reels, you can attract like-minded individuals. This can then translate into more clients and repeat clients for you.

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Striving for your coworking space to become a recognized brand?

This eBook is your guide to branding, positioning, and consumer behavior.

5. Leverage Testimonials

You can use Instagram Reels to highlight testimonials, too.

Client testimonials can help take your business to greater heights. Just look at the statistics.

Around 92% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase. A whopping 72% said that positive testimonials make them trust a business more.

So, when people trust your business more, they’re more likely to become your clients.

Don’t worry. Your client testimonials don’t have to be complicated. You can just ask your satisfied clients to sit with you for the Instagram Reel. This is what Cloud Spaces did with the video below:

Instagram reels by Cloud Spaces coworking space


Just make sure you ask clients politely and at a time they’re not working. Remember, they’re in your coworking space to work. You don’t want to take up a chunk of their valuable time.

When recording the testimonial, make sure you just let your client do the talking. Don’t give them a script to read. Otherwise, they’ll only sound robotic and your content won’t come across as authentic. In the end, your strategy will only backfire. Besides, if your clients are satisfied with your services, you can expect them to sing praises about your brand.

That’s not to say you should no longer brief them on how your Reel will flow. You can inform them about the Reel’s structure so they’ll know when they should say what they want to say. When they know how you plan to structure your Reel, they can organize their thoughts accordingly.

Clients aren’t the only ones you can ask for testimonials. You can ask your staff for these, too. These types of Reels can be part of an excellent hiring strategy. If potential candidates see your staff love working with the company, the chances of you hiring the best talent increase, too.

6. Embed Reels on the Website

You can also embed Instagram Reels on website. This can help to increase engagement, showcase the unique features of your space, and improve website performance. By cross-promoting your social media accounts and highlighting the offerings of your coworking space through Reels, you can diversify your content and increase your online visibility.

Using Reels to showcase your space's amenities, events, and community can help to create a stronger brand image and attract potential customers. Embedding Reels on your website is a valuable tool for enhancing the online presence of your coworking space and demonstrating its value to prospective clients.

In addition, Reels can be a fun and engaging way to showcase the culture and personality of your coworking space, which can help to attract like-minded individuals and build a sense of community among your members.

So why not give it a try? Embedding Instagram Reels on your coworking space's website can be an effective and creative way to showcase what makes your space unique and attract new members to your community.

In Closing

Instagram Reels are a valuable tool. If you’re not doing Instagram Reels marketing just yet, you’re missing out.

You learned five ways you can use Instagram Reels to market your coworking space business. Create content that educates your prospects and post behind-the-scenes content. You should also create Reels that differentiate your brand from your competitors. Showcase your brand’s personality and values in Reels, too. That will help you attract like-minded people to your brand.

Finally, leverage testimonials. You can ask for testimonials from both your clients and staff. This strategy can help you generate more clients and increase your chances of hiring the best talent.

Bottom line, if you stick with Instagram Reels marketing, you’ll reap the best results. Good luck!

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