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US Coworking Industry: Key Facts You Need to Know (Infographic)

Helga Moreno
Helga Moreno
US Coworking Industry: Key Facts You Need to Know (Infographic)

Curious about the latest trends shaping the US coworking landscape? We are too! To bring you the inside scoop, we surveyed and chatted with coworking space operators across the country. They dished on what's hot, what's not, and what's transforming the future of work. But wait, there's more! We've turned their insights and data into a cool, easy-to-digest infographic—think charts, graphs, and stats galore!

Here's a taste of what you'll discover:

  • The boom is real: There are now over 5,000 coworking spaces across the US!
  • Urban hubs: Coworking thrives in major cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle—and District of Columbia is seeing the fastest growth.
  • Price points: Did you know Los Angeles holds the title of the most expensive city for coworking?
  • Big players: IWG and WeWork are major forces in the industry, but keep an eye on those independent spaces too!

So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and get ready to dive into the exciting world of US coworking. Let's explore the data together!

Coworking industry in the US - infographic

1. Community: The Lifeblood of Coworking Spaces

The most important thing in a coworking space is the people you bring together. Your Community Manager is the conductor of that orchestra!
Courtney Schwartz, Community Coordinator, FireWorks®
Courtney Schwartz
Community Coordinator, FireWorks®

Forget fancy perks and shiny desks—what makes people come back to a coworking space day after day is human connection. That's why a strong Community Manager (CM) isn't just a nice-to-have, they're the secret ingredient to a thriving space. A great CM does more than smile and host events; they truly care about building relationships.

Let's talk numbers! A study found that 82% of coworking members reported a greater sense of belonging after joining a space. This directly impacts your bottom line: increased loyalty, more referrals, and a space that people proudly call their work home.

Operators, here's the takeaway: When hiring a Community Manager, look beyond event-planning skills. Prioritize people who are genuinely interested in creating a welcoming and supportive environment. Invest in their development, and watch your membership retention soar.

2. Coworking Gets Corporate: A Win-Win for Flexibility and Collaboration

Coworking is no longer just the domain of freelancers and plucky startups. Established corporations are increasingly turning to coworking spaces for their teams. Why this major shift? Companies are discovering the numerous advantages of coworking:

  • Flexibility: Unlike traditional leases, coworking spaces allow companies to scale their space up or down with ease, adapting quickly to changing needs.
  • Collaboration: Shared spaces can spark unexpected collaborations and innovative ideas that wouldn't happen within isolated corporate offices.
  • Culture boost: The dynamic, energetic atmosphere of a coworking space can be a refreshing change from the often-stifling corporate cubicle setting.
Demand for Flex Office is surging. The underlying force is the fact that companies are downsizing their space requirements, and they want to add flexible workplace solutions for their employees.
Michael H. Abrams, Flexspace Advisors
Michael H. Abrams
Flexspace Advisors

Operators, this corporate trend signals a huge opportunity! By 2030, coworking could account for a staggering 30% of corporate office space. Here's how to position your space at the forefront of this movement:

  • Hybrid design: Strike a balance between vibrant common areas that foster connections and private offices where teams can focus without distractions.
  • Targeted amenities: Invest in meeting rooms, presentation spaces, and other facilities that corporate clients value.
  • Networking the focus: Proactively facilitate events and programs that connect businesses, creating valuable opportunities for your corporate members.

Remember, corporations want more than just office space; they want an engaging, collaborative environment for their teams to thrive. Demonstrate how your coworking space fuels success, and you'll become the go-to choice for businesses of all sizes.

3. Sustainability: It's Not Optional, It's Essential

Did you know that a whopping 45% of global coworking users reside in the US? This means the choices US operators make have a significant impact on the industry's overall sustainability footprint. The time for eco-conscious practices isn't tomorrow; it's today! Here's why:

  • Consumer demand: As Rebecca Pan (Trellis Coworking) notes, "What very few people know about the workplace, in general, is that buildings are by default too cold for women, the actual majority. This can and should change." Sustainability isn't just about materials; it's about creating inclusive, responsible workspaces that appeal to a broad, values-driven clientele.
  • Competitive edge: Differentiate yourself from less eco-conscious spaces. Highlight your green initiatives prominently in your marketing and client onboarding.
  • It's the right thing to do: Coworking, by its nature, often involves shared resources. Taking responsibility for your environmental impact is simply good business with long-term benefits.

Operator Action Items:

  • Energy efficiency: Explore LED lighting, smart thermostats, and energy-efficient appliances.
  • Ethical materials: Choose sustainable furniture, recycled materials, and low-VOC paints.
  • Waste reduction: Implement clear recycling and composting systems.
  • Educate your community: Share your sustainability journey, encouraging members to adopt eco-friendly practices within your space.

Remember, sustainability is a journey, not a destination. Even small changes add up! By demonstrating environmental leadership, you'll attract like-minded clients and position your coworking space as a force for positive change.

4. The Workplace Revolution: Embracing the Distributed Workforce

The way people work is changing! With more folks working remotely or on distributed teams, coworking spaces have a HUGE opportunity to shine. Kimberly Kocurek (Createscape) has a smart idea—focusing your space on a specific group, like a particular industry, could be a game-changer.

Here's how to make this work for your space:

  • Find your niche: Are you passionate about tech, wellness, or something else? Choose a focus that gets you excited and where you see a real need.
  • Become the go-to spot: Think about what your niche group really needs. Special tools? Industry events? Make your space THE place for them to connect and grow.
  • Teams, not just individuals: Can you offer private work areas, meeting rooms, and packages designed for teams within your niche?
  • Community is EVERYTHING: People working remotely miss that office connection. Make your space a place where folks in your niche can find friends, mentors, and support alongside a great workspace.

Operators, the old one-size-fits-all coworking model is fading. By finding your ideal audience and tailoring your space to their needs, you'll create something truly special, and that's what will keep your members coming back!

5. Niche = Success? Finding Your Unique Edge

With the US holding a huge share of the world's coworking spaces, competition is fierce. So, how do you make your space the one people flock to?  The answer might lie in finding your niche. Instead of trying to be everything to everyone, focus on a specific group, a passion point, or a problem you're uniquely positioned to solve.

Community is Key

Courtney Schwartz of FireWorks reminds us: potential members aren't just buying a desk— they're "purchasing a MEMBERSHIP to a COMMUNITY." Could your space be the place where a particular industry connects, collaborates, and thrives?  Or maybe you'll become known for a wellness approach that goes beyond trendy plants, creating a truly supportive environment.

Why Niche Works

Why does a niche approach work?  For starters, it fosters deeper connections among members who share common ground. It also makes you stand out—people will take notice of a space dedicated to sustainability or empowering local artists far more than "just another coworking space."  Most importantly, a niche lets you zero in on the real-world problems of a specific group.

Finding Your Niche

Operators, take a close look at your community. Is there an underserved group waiting for a space that truly understands them?  Think beyond the obvious niches too. Could you focus on tech startups, creatives, or healthcare professionals?  Is wellness more than just aesthetics for you? Or perhaps a space championing sustainability, women-owned businesses, or social impact aligns perfectly with your values and those of your ideal members?

6. Growth Is Likely, But Competition Demands Constant Evolution

The numbers don't lie: a whopping 77% of coworking space users report better work-life balance. This desire for flexibility isn't a fad, it's a fundamental shift in how people want to work. As Michael H. Abrams of Flexspace Advisors noted above, "Demand for Flex Office is surging..."  This means huge potential for coworking spaces, but also increased competition.

The lessons of the "WeWork effect" are clear: operators can't afford to rest on their laurels. To thrive in this evolving landscape, you need to constantly up your game. Here's how:

  1. Unbeatable value: What makes your space worth the membership fee? It's not just the amenities, but the intangible sense of community and support members can't find elsewhere.
  2. Adaptable design: Can your space easily shift to accommodate both individuals seeking focus and teams needing collaboration zones? Flexibility is key!
  3. Never stop improving: Ask for member feedback, stay on top of workspace trends, and show your commitment to creating the best possible experience.

Operators, the opportunity is there, but it won't come to those who wait.  By focusing on value, adaptability, and a mindset of continuous improvement, you'll position your coworking space to stand out in a crowded and exciting market.

7. Suburbs: The Rise of the Neighborhood Workspace

Forget the grueling commute!  The way people work is changing, and suburban coworking spaces are well-positioned to meet this shift. Kimberly Kocurek of Createscape has seen it firsthand: "suburban spaces have continued to gain popularity."  More and more people want the convenience of working closer to home, saving precious time and improving their work-life balance.

How do you know if your suburban space is tapping into this trend? It's all about location, location, location! Consider a few things:

  • Walk it out: Could members easily walk from their neighborhood or grab a coffee nearby? Walkability is key, and you can even highlight your space's Walk Score.
  • Bike friendly: Do you have safe bike lanes or storage? This attracts a wider range of potential members.
  • Transit links: Even in the suburbs, being near a bus stop or train station is a major advantage.

The research backs this up! Studies by organizations like CBRE and Smart Growth America show that spaces with these walkable, bikeable, and transit-friendly features consistently attract and retain more members.

Operator Action: Take an honest look at your location. Could you become THE go-to workspace for professionals in your neighborhood?  Even small changes could make a big difference!

8. Wellness: It's Not Just a Trend, It's a Workplace Revolution

Wellness in the workplace isn't about a few trendy perks—it's about rethinking the entire work environment to support the well-being of every member. Coworking spaces have a unique opportunity to lead this revolution by addressing overlooked issues—and creating spaces where everyone feels comfortable and able to do their best work.

Consider this: a study found a whopping 68% of workers experience increased productivity in a well-designed, inclusive workspace. This isn't just about feeling good; it translates directly to results! So, how do we achieve this?

  • Inclusivity is Key: Offer flexible temperature zones, adjustable lighting, and a variety of seating options to cater to different needs and preferences.
  • Mind and Body: Wellness encompasses both physical comfort and mental well-being. Could you offer a quiet room for breaks or partner with a local yoga studio for discounted member sessions? A focus on work-life balance and combating burnout is just as important as the physical space.
  • Listen to Your Members: The best way to know what your community needs? Ask them! Surveys and informal conversations reveal valuable insights about how you can create a truly supportive environment.

Operator Action: Small changes can make a big difference. By actively prioritizing wellness, your coworking space becomes not just a place to work but a place where people thrive.

How to Make Coworking Space Members Happy eBook by Spacebring

Discover the keys to the happiness of your coworking space members.

Dive into expert insights and practical tips with our free eBook.

Conclusion: The Future of Work is Flexible!

Coworking in the US is changing the way we work—it's exciting! From cozy community vibes to spaces designed for teams of all sizes, there's something for everyone. By staying on top of these trends, checking out the latest stats, and learning from other awesome operators, you'll create a coworking space that people love.

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