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Introducing Analytics: Monitor Performance & Make Data-Driven Decisions

Igor Dzhebyan
Igor Dzhebyan
Introducing Analytics: Monitor Performance & Make Data-Driven Decisions
  • andcards platform now comes with built-in analytics that turns your data into vital insights for coworking business success.
  • The system is easy to use, gathering all essential data so you can avoid guesswork when making business decisions.
  • Additional tools are available to integrate with third-party analytics solutions (Google Analytics, public API).

Coworking space businesses made a giant step toward digitalization in recent years. The more aspects of coworking spaces go online, the more data is available to recognize trends and make smarter evidence-based decisions.

According to Mckinsey Global Institute, data-driven organizations are 23 times more likely to acquire customers, 6 times as likely to retain them, and 19 times more likely to be profitable.

63% of cross-industry respondents state that information and data analytics gives them a competitive advantage.

Naturally, when you are leading your business to success, everything should be based on accurate data. But how to get it? It is a huge challenge to collect, reconcile, structure, and visualize data spread across multiple sources.

Enter andcards—the coworking space platform covers all your business aspects, from bookings, payments, invoicing, events, community, members, and so much more. andcards collects, neatly organizes your data, and now can visualize it beautifully with zero setup needed.

analytics for coworking spaces inside andcards coworking space management software

“Without seeing the big picture and data analysis, a coworking business owner is blind and deaf. I never guess because when you start to theorize without knowing numbers, you twist the facts to make them fit your theories. andcards Analytics is where I get hard numbers on MY WORKSPACE performance.”Ron Yang, Vice President at MY WORKSPACE

Key Benefits of andcards Analytics

  1. Ready-made relevant reports. andcards Analytics is designed for coworking spaces, so here you will find all key best practice reports illustrating your business performance and focused around major processes that take place at your workspace, such as bookings, payments, invoicing, events, and everything else.
  2. Easy to understand. Analytics is user-friendly, easy to use both on the web and mobile, and presents you with glanceable visualizations and charts, so you can recognize important trends for every location.
  3. Zero setup. Since Analytics is a part of the main coworking space platform, you don’t have to worry about software integrations and picking out from dozens of recondite reports. andcards platform saves your time.
  4. No third-party solutions needed. andcards Analytics is a built-in product benefit accessible to all customers at no additional cost. Our Analytics solution provides seamless native performance, delivering precise real-time data as well as historical reports covering up to 1 year. These reports break down data by days, weeks, and months.
  5. Effortless custom reports: With andcards Analytics, you can generate customized reports to meet your specific needs. Export various data types, including member information, room bookings, and payments, in CSV format. Tailor your exports by applying filters like date ranges, company details, and room specifics for precise insights.

“Understanding the data we collect through andcards is nothing short of essential to our coworking space business. In this regard, andcards analytics exceeded all our expectations. We get a comprehensive overview of platform activities, updated in real-time, which helps us make faster and smarter strategic decisions.”Kumushai Urmanbetova, General Manager at ololo

andcards Analytics comes with a set of fantastic integrations and developer resources that help coworking spaces of all sizes take performance measurement and analytics to the next level:

  • Google Analytics Integration: This integration allows you to track user behavior, activity, demographics, and geographic data, helping you optimize your web application's performance. You can also monitor user interactions with Google Analytics to improve the user experience.
  • andcards Public API: Our free public API is available to all customers and offers high reporting precision, the ability to blend data from multiple sources, and support for custom logic. For example, you can connect it to tools like Google Data Studio or Power BI to create custom-tailored reports.
  • IronWiFi Integration: This integration enables you to gather real-time data on user interactions, including location, devices, and activity information.

Find out more about Analytics on our website or book a demo call with our product expert to see how andcards can benefit your coworking space.

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