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Built and maintained by Spacebring

Spacebring integration with Kisi cloud-based access control system allows to grant access to your coworking space automatically and in real-time. By enabling the integration, you can grant members 24/7 access to your workspace, track who goes where and when, and get notifications for specific events.

Spacebring - Kisi integration

Spacebring + Kisi for Members

  • Access shared workspace instantly upon signing up for the coworking space app.
  • Discover and unlock the doors with Spacebring coworking space app. No need to download the Kisi app.
  • Time-bound access control lets members, as well as invitees and nonmembers, access individual rooms and desks within booking hours only, making hot desking simple and accessible.

Spacebring - Kisi integration

Spacebring-Kisi integration allows to sync access with membership plan (left) and unlock doors remotely with your coworking space app (right).

Spacebring + Kisi for Administrators

  • Grant members instant access to the workspace. Spacebring-Kisi integration takes care of everything from user registration to sending the mobile key. The integration improves member experience by giving 24/7 access when members need it and reducing wait times.
  • Register Spacebring user information in your Kisi dashboard automatically, saving time and reducing human error.
  • Grant access based on a membership plan. Individual or company members sync to the relevant group on Kisi for as long as the plan is active. If the plan expires, access is automatically removed.
  • Enable mobile unlocking right inside your coworking space app. Members connect Kisi account to discover and unlock doors right inside Spacebring. Your members don't have to download the Kisi app to unlock doors.
  • Automate email invitation to Kisi. All necessary instructions on how to use the system are sent to members right after the invitation to your coworking app.
  • With all users synchronized to your dashboard, take full advantage of the Kisi platform: manage access to all doors, lock and unlock the doors remotely, track activity data to understand usage patterns, and boost security at the shared workspace.
  • Administrators can now select access groups for individual rooms and desks using Kisi, with web-only configuration today and mobile integration coming soon. Synchronize with the Kisi dashboard automatically.

Grow your shared or coworking space business with ease

Drive recurring revenue, simplify operations, and boost member retention with Spacebring.