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Built and maintained by Spacebring

Zapier automatically moves information between Spacebring and the other apps you use to help you build seamless customer journeys and be more productive. Zapier supports thousands of apps like Google Calendar, Slack, HubSpot, Typeform, and more.

You can set up automated workflows (Zaps) in minutes and integrate Spacebring with the other software you use to operate the coworking space efficiently. For instance, you can automatically invite members with your own sign up form, cross-post between Feed community feed and Slack, register members as hosts in your visitor management app, and so much more.

Spacebring - Zapier integration

Zapier + Spacebring for Administrators

  • Automate the online signup stage. Allow new members to self-register online using an engaging form. Create Zaps that are triggered by new entries to Typeform, Google Forms, or HubSpot and invite members in Spacebring without any additional manipulations — no data entry, no message sending.
  • Improve the onboarding experience. Automate inviting members to your coworking app by simply updating a deal in a CRM platform you use (HubSpot, Zoho, Pipedrive.) Move a deal to the next stage and associated contact will be invited into Spacebring. Build a seamless customer journey by providing instant access to your coworking space app.
  • Introduce new members to the community. Take care of the warm welcome for new coworkers on your community Slack channel or Facebook Group without writing greeting messages each time yourself. Just set up Zaps that are triggered on Spacebring join and welcome messages will be posted automatically.
  • Save time and reduce human errors by synchronizing information to all the apps you use (customer support, visitor management, invoicing, etc.) Set up Zapier automation that creates a new user in your favorite app. For example, Zendesk heldesk or Greetly visitor registration. The system will add a user automatically whenever a new member joins Spacebring. No need to create a user in all those apps manually.
  • Make your flex workspace a safer place for residents. Alert a manager with the help of Zapier trigger that a meeting room needs cleaning right after the meeting is finished.

Spacebring - Zapier integration

Grow your shared or coworking space business with ease

Drive recurring revenue, simplify operations, and boost member retention with Spacebring.