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5 Steps to Transform a Small Coworking Project into a Recognized Brand

Francisca Morim
Francisca Morim
5 Steps to Transform a Small Coworking Project into a Recognized Brand

All of us have already been blocked when thinking about how to finish our big projects. There's nothing more common than that. 

When I was introduced to the Vertical Coworking project, I had to create my own list of tips and steps to transform the project and put the Vertical Coworking on the Map. Now that I've put them into practice and seen that they're really working, I've decided to share them with you. 

1. Get to Know the Project 

The first person who needs to fall in love with your project is the person who's going to sell it to others, but it will happen gradually. For the first time, I’ll be falling in love with the idea of it. It’s necessary to understand it from A to Z. How it functions, who’s the team behind it, how it was created, who’s the main public... The questions always depend on which business we are managing. For that reason, we have to know which questions fit us best in order to find the best answers. 

Vertical Coworking meeting room

A meeting room at Vertical Coworking.

2. Create a "Game" Plan 

This step is fundamental for both small and large projects: without a plan, we can't make progress and start to have well-defined operational strategies.  

We need to be clear about our priorities and get them organized. After that, we need to get to work, test, and create the best operational processes to be replicated by the teams throughout the development of the project. This was a very challenging part for me, with a lot of research involved, since coworking was a new world for me. 

How to Build a Coworking Space Brand eBook by Spacebring

Striving for your coworking space to become a recognized brand?

This eBook is your guide to branding, positioning, and consumer behavior.

3. Commit Yourself to the Project 

This step happens almost automatically since by creating the “game” plan and giving yourself completely to the project. You become fully committed to the project. 

This is the part where the love for the brand evolves and turns into a true belief. You truly love the project and not just the idea of it – because you’ve already put it into practice. 

4. Sell the Project to the Others 

It's not just about getting people to buy your products/services. It’s about getting people to know it, get the real value of the project, and see how it can grow! That is the most important part for me and the one that I most appreciate.  

And this is not just for the managers of other companies or other influential people. We need to do it with everyone! From daily clients to big corporations, CEOs, and possible investors. The more people who know how our business or project works, the more 

it will be passed around – the concept is called word-of-mouth, and it’s a very important marketing strategy! 

5. Keep Striving Every Day to Evolve and Improve! 

The best projects never end! That’s a thing that we must always keep in mind. We should never put our arms down. There's always something to improve or change.  

Of course, there are many other steps to take into consideration, but by keeping these five tips/steps in mind, we can create or transform any project or business! 

I’ve come to a conclusion while writing this article: no matter how big the project is, if we're not totally dedicated to it, we'll never feel fulfilled or proud of it. And what's the point of developing something if you're not proud of what you're doing?  

Dedicate yourself, body, and soul, and give it your all. When you do that, things start to happen naturally, and all these tips or steps I've told you about become easy to follow.

Francisca Morim is a young Community Manager hailing from Porto, Portugal. She oversees two vibrant coworking spaces in the heart of the city: Feel Venture and Vertical Coworking. Since August 2022, she has been an integral part of the Feel Group, a conglomerate comprising five dynamic companies spanning accommodation, coworking, services, experiences, mobility, nature tourism, real estate, and architecture. Passionate about projects she believes in, Francisca brings dedication and enthusiasm to her work, embodying the spirit of collaboration and innovation.

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